AVON Bubble Bath Moments in Milk & Honey and Bubble Bath in Watermelon
I will preface this note by saying that I have mostly used these AVON bath foams incorrectly. I used themĀ as shower gels as I am not a big bath taker. I love baths, but mine has a bit of a drain problem, wherein the drain plug gets stuck when there’s just so much water omg omg putting pressure on it. So my relaxing baths usually end with a session of vigorous physical activity wherein I have to drain the wretched thing the old-fashioned way – using a bucketĀ to transfer the water to another draining point until the bath drain plug finally decides to give way.
Obviously, that kills the spa effect a little.
As shower gels these are very drying. All the suds and the foam would do that, you know. So we can assume that as a bath product it doesn’t have any beneficial skin properties either. However they do give a good foam and they both have a strong scent. If that’s what you’re after – go for it.
Milk and Honey as a scent nearly always disappoints me, because I expect something from the childhood but end up with a rather strong artificial scent that smells neither like milk nor honey. And I believe this is more of the ‘milk’ part problem, because I have a ‘honey’-scented eau de toilette that I adore.
Watermelon, on the other hand, I love – but it tires me out very quickly with its intense sweetness. So I would use it once or twice, and then I would use something else for a week, and that’s why this bottle lasted me a friggen year.

AVON Senses Romantic Garden of Eden Shower Gel
I’ve been absolutely enamoured with the scent of this. It wouldn’t stick to the skin, however; but the bathroom would smell amazing for a while after using this AVON shower gel. Negative point: Very drying on the skin. I discussed this with my cousin and a former colleague, and they both said that they found it OK and not drying at all, so it could be just me and my thin sensitive skin on my body.

AVON Skin So Soft In-Shower Moisturising Body Lotion
I’ve been wanting to try out an in-shower body lotion for quite a while, so I happily bought this one the moment I saw it in the AVON catalogue. The scent is I would say typical to the AVON Skin So Soft line. It is nothing to write home about, but it’s inoffensive and in a way even comforting. The product itself is pretty thick and slippery. It applied well in the shower – however you do need a fair amount of this. The bottle did not last me ages, that I can tell you. After you apply it and then wash it off, it leaves a bit of a filmy layer on the skin, making your body shiny, almost plastic-like, and very smooth to the touch. I suppose if you don’t have sensitive skin on the body like I do, you can get away with using this one only and skipping the lotion entirely. I managed to do it several times here and there, but I would end up feeling uncomfortable throughout the day.
While I am not a full in-shower body conditioner convert just yet, I am intrigued enough to try other brands and see how they compare to this AVON In-Shower Moisturising Body Lotion. I would probably buy this one again, too. The only thing that stops me is the price/ number of uses ratio. You really do need a lot of this stuff to get any kind of effect, at least on my body, and although AVON is not expensive skin care, it adds up.