I’m not a big shopper, especially now that I’m saving money, but over the course of the month things end up weaseling their way into my hands. Some months it might be a lot, others not so much. These are the things I bought or received during the month of December. Rather a lot of stuff this month, now that I think of it, probably because of the holidays.

Oriflame The One Nail Polish in Black Noir, Steel, Platinum, and Gold Splash
I’m a nail polish addict — well, a beauty addict — but aside from that unfortunate predilection I happen to really like the revamped main line of Oriflame polishes. It is my superficial goal to own every single one, so expect quite a few of these to pop up in the Incoming! posts.

VeryMe Mirror Gloss in Clover Haze
Clover Haze is exactly the cool-toned pink lip gloss that suits my skin tone and doesn’t take any trouble to coordinate with the rest of the look, as it’s practically just an improved version of my lips. The texture of this is what you’d expect a squeeze tube lip gloss texture to be — a bit gloopy during the application and rather sticky, but smooth-looking and -feeling when on the lips. I enjoy using this if only for its scent and colour.

AVON Care Rich Moisture Body Lotion and Milk & Honey Bubble Bath Moments
Haven’t tried these yet, as I’ve this thing where I try to finish the current product before I start anything new, otherwise I find myself under a mountain of half-finished shower gels and hand creams. The lotions seems to be fast-absorbing and a little on the thin side, which is exactly how I love mine. The scent is a little on the strong side, but it’s not unpleasant. And you can never go wrong with Milk & Honey.

Oriflame soap bar; In Style earrings; Giordani Gold lipstick sample
Giordani Gold Voluptuous lipsticks have been on my list of things to try for a bit now, so I was quite happy to receive this sample. It’s in the colour 26607 Red Organza, which I don’t think is in catalogues any more. The lipstick itself is a warm-toned sheer red with a lot of glitter to it. My photos don’t translate the colour well, but an idea of coverage can be seen in a swatch below:

On the left is one swipe, and on the right (the thicker line) I tried to build up some more colour. I succeeded but only just. The formula of this is more of a rather pigmented balm than a lipstick, to be honest. It also leaves glitter everywhere in its wake. It’s moisturising, though. I’ll use up the sample, but I don’t think I’ll be buying a full-sized lipstick in any colour.
Milk & Honey Gold is an old Oriflame series. It’s lived that long, because it’s pretty good. The scent of all the products in the series can be a bit too strong for me, but for products that I wash off immediately, like soaps and shampoos, it works well. The packaging of this particular bar is limited edition for winter holidays, as I understand.

Aren’t these earrings just gaudy? They were a gift from my brother, who knows I enjoy all kinds of sparkly stuff, even if I’m not going to wear it, so he buys something every time he makes a trip to his local version of Poundland. These did see the light of day, though, for the New Year’s Eve in the office (yep, yesterday was a workday for me). I felt like a proper Christmas tree, but I didn’t mind one bit. So jingly and sparkly and ugh.

In Style costume jewellery
Here’s the rest of the things my brother managed to grab on his trips to the shop. Bracelets give me a bit more of a spring/ summer vibe, so I’ll be wearing them come April or so. The yellow one is so dainty! I’m used to big bangles and thick leather cuffs, so this is a bit of a novelty for me, but I figure it’s good to branch out. My favourite thing is the necklace. I love it so much! Pretty sure it’ll become a staple for me.

Giordani Gold Illuminating Pearls; Oriflame HyperStretch mascara
I’ve been hunting down these Giordani Gold Dreamy Moments Illuminating Pearls for roughly a year now, and finally they cropped up! These should definitely be used as a highlighter, otherwise one might end up looking like a member of the Cullen family under the sun. Oriflame HyperStretch mascara was a bonus programme exchange. I had it before, and while it’s not the best mascara, it’s an okay one. And hey, can’t argue with free, can you?

Allure, Elle, Glamour
A stack of magazines. Little excites me more than beauty and printed word, so when these two are merged together, I’m just lost to the world for a couple of hours.

Lip Monthly November ’14
A proper Lip Monthly post is coming your way next Thursday, but here’s a preview of the products. Loving the colours of lipsticks, and I’ve been blown away by the eye shadow.
That’s it for the month of December! What made its way into your drawers and onto your shelves that month? Do share, do share.
(Above items, with an exception of mascara and lipstick sample, were either bought with my own money, or received as gifts from family and friends. Mascara was received in exchange for loyalty points; lipstick sample was a gift with purchase.)