
Nail Polish: Oriflame The One in Orange Burst 31455.

oriflame orange burst

Oriflame usually does classic nail polish shades. Variations of beige, pink, red, purple, plum, and coffee brown are in abundance, but that’s about it. Their line VeryMe, aimed at youngsters, sometimes shows some variety. They also come out with limited edition lines, and this polish is from one of such collections.

I’m a sucker for cheap polishes. Besides, companies like Flormar have me totally spoilt in that regard – their polishes are very affordable, yet their quality is amazing. So when I saw these five shades, retailing for 59 MDL (~$4.5) each, I turned the catalogue page, thinking that I won’t be spending that much on a polish.

A few days later, though, I was picking up all five colours in the collection from my local delivery spot. You guys, the colours are just so good.

And never mind me, I’m a nail varnish maniac, I’ll buy almost anything. However, I was showing my newest purchase to an acquaintance who usually does practical gel manicures in classic hues. That didn’t stop her from purchasing all but one colours in the collection on the spot. I actually ended up repurchasing some of these shades for myself, because she just took all the bottles there and then (I haven’t had the chance to try all but the one above yet).

The quality of the polish is great, too. Above are two coats. They don’t streak, apply easily, and the brush is very convenient – a definite upgrade from the previous Oriflame Beauty nail polish brush.

However, this particular colour does the following:

orange burst nail polish

Nightmare material~ That’s with a basecoat. I shudder to think what would’ve happened to my nails had I decided to skip a basecoat that day.

I painted my nails using this polish more than 10 days go, and the stain didn’t fade one bit, no matter what I do to it. Which leaves me painting my nails every day, lest the good people around me decide that I had somehow contracted hepatitis.

This detail is such a shame, because the colour is gorgeous. I’m not sure if all the polishes in the line do this, or if it’s the case with this one and the pigments in it. I’m so in love with the colour that I will continue using it, but I either need some nuke-proof basecoat, or an understanding that I would need to paint my nails every day after using this one.


Oriflame Marbleised Eyeshadow and Eyebrow Kit.

I was putting on some quick make-up several days ago, and it occurred to me that most of my selected products were by Oriflame, and being used for the first time. So I thought, hey, why not lengthen the application time by some twenty minutes by taking photos of all the products!? Sounds like good blogger fun!!

So here it is.

giordani gold marbleised eyeshadow

Giordani Gold Venetian Affair Marbleised Eye Shadow in Starry Nights 24153

I have been meaning to try marbleised/ baked eye shadows for literally years. This particular Oriflame one has been on my mind for many months. Finally it appeared heavily discounted in a leaflet, and I totes decided to buy it.

I love the idea of purple eye shadows. Purple is one of my favourite colours, and I like to think that this shade flatters the colour of my eyes. However, depending on light and particular shade of purple, I usually end up looking very dead while wearing it. As you will see below.

This particular purple shadow has a lot of warmth to it, and much more red undertones than I had thought it would have whilst looking at it in the catalogue. But as you can see in the product photo above, it just photographs this way in the pot.

There’s rather a lot of glitter in this thing. I was expecting a bit of shimmer, but I was expecting a bit less.

The shadow comes with the default spongey applicator in tow. I know that as a beauty enthusiast I am supposed to scorn them, but to be honest I use them often enough to be happy about a free one.

The shadow is pigmented, goes on smoothly, and blends well. Compared to other Oriflame shadows, it’s one of the best.

Unfortunately, I can’t commend it for staying power. Five hours in, it creased a lot, and on the left eye it pretty much disappeared (apart from where it gathered in the crease).

oriflame brow kit

Oriflame Beauty Eyebrow Kit

I want to write a full review of this product soon, with swatches etc., but for now let me just say: Ye dark haired folk do not be fooled by how light the darker shade is. I was like, yeeahhhh, that’s too light, lemme grab just a bit more – and bam, I had a coal-smudged brow on my face and lots of blending to do.

So far, I’m pleased. The kit comes with two small angle brushes, one with black bristles and one with white – presumably to distinguish between shade and wax one? The bristles are firm, and the tips are significantly wider than the angle brush I already have in my set. If your brows are on the thin side, you may want to use a finer tool for more precision, but I actually enjoyed using the wider one. I wish they were full size!

(All products purchased with my own money. I’m an Oriflame consultant in my country, ergo I get a distributor discount. No one is sponsoring this post. All opinions are mine.)