

I wanted to group this together with other recent make-up disappointments, but then decided that if I review it separately, search engines will have a better chance of picking up keywords for it, and you’ll have a better chance of reading my opinion before deciding to purchase this BB cream.

VeryMe Just BB Bliss Balm

The first thing I noticed about this product was its scent. It’s harsh, considering the fact it’s a BB cream — therefore you’ll be applying it around your nose and mouth. Its texture is on the greasy side. My first impression was that it was a bit like Garnier in that regard, except Garnier felt smoother.

The good thing about this product, in my case, is its colour. It’s pretty light.

veryme bb cream

The packaging is cute, mostly due to the use of one of my absolute favourite colours.

oriflame veryme bb cream

It’s also pretty functional — an upside down tube with a thin nozzle, which makes it easy to measure out as much of the product as you need.

oriflame veryme bb cream packaging

It’s also got SPF 12. But seeing how it applies it’s a desirable but useless add-on. Also, after all the three minutes it’s been on my face, it didn’t break me out.

This is also where all the positive things about it end for me.

I first tried applying it on a badly washed off powder. I used a brush. It didn’t really work. I blamed it on my laziness, quickly fixed a face, and ran out the door.

Then I tried applying it over my moisturiser (another Oriflame product). It glided off my face in these little … pellets. It didn’t even stick to my face for the most part — nearly all of it remained on my hands in an abundance of greasy rolls. I sighed, blamed it on moisturiser (the Optimals one I was using claims to be mattifying, and these types of creams can do this to a foundation), once more cleaned my face, applied some powder, and ran out the door.

This time, the third time, I decided to apply this to a clean face. After all, BB creams promise to be moisturising. My outing wasn’t to be long, and this BB cream has SPF12 in it, so I decided to just go with it.

The result is below.

veryme bb cream application

I don’t think it needs any words, but I’ll add some. As you can see it stuck into my pores. Under my eyes closer to my temples, where my skin tends to be dry, it stuck in weird rash-looking patches. It didn’t cover a bit of a break-out on my chin. It looks downright weird and streaky on my cheeks. As with all the other times, the majority of it remained on my hands.

In a fit of rage, I told my brother to take a picture of my mug because my hands were still dirty. This is literally less than two minutes after the application.

Despite this cream being so hard to apply, it’s also very hard to remove. I washed my face, then I used make-up remover, and then toner — and I could still smell it and see bits of it around my nose.

I love Oriflame — after all, this is why I applied to be their distributor — I trust their cosmetics — and I am eager to blame this complete disappointment on me, but this just ain’t working. I would’ve thought that perhaps it’s because I have a wrong skin type for this product. Some BB creams work better for greasy skin, others for dry skin. VeryMe, though, is targeted at teenagers, who tend to have oily skin in their hormonal majority.

tl;dr: I love the idea of this product – it’s light, it has SPF – but unfortunately I cannot recommend this to anyone. It’s fairly cheap, but for me this was just a complete waste of money.

I used: Oriflame VeryMe BB Cream SPF 12 in Extra Light 30496.


MAC Studio Fix Liquid in NW 10.

Note: If you don’t care for an intro in which I talk about my skin tone at length, feel free to scroll way down for actual photos of the product (not that you haven’t seen one before) and my thoughts on it.

This post has more webcam shots of my mug than anyone’s ever wished for. I have a directory called ‘camho’, and this is where the goodness came from. Oh dear. Old skool, y’all. Show kids & their selfies how shit gets done since 1998.

(Seriously, click on the link, the description is pure gold. Blazing colours and brilliant images, eeeehhheeeee. But if you put it in a perspective, time-wise, the camera was indeed quite brill.)

(… I still have it, by the way. I’d wager it still works, should test it w/ XP. Back then they made them to last.)

(… Anyway, this is a silly foundation post, not a computer nostalgia post. Sorry, sorry, I get carried away by old tech.)


Choosing a foundation has always been difficult for me. I’m not alone, it’s an unnecessary make-up related complication for anyone on both ends of skin spectrum.

I’m pale. My albedo probably beats that one of the virgin Arctic snow. (I jest, but only a touch.) Most of the time I look ashen grey.

ashen grey

This is evening august sun reflecting off of my face, whilst the other half of said face is matching my t-shirt colour. This is also my happy face. Quite content indeed.

I’m also cold toned, but due to acne scarring and other such lovely things I have a lot of redness.

no escape

I’m not sure what’s going on with my fringe here, but my cat is certainly trying to escape the calamity.

Once I tried “correcting” the paleness by spending a little too much time in tanning beds, but it didn’t really go well. My skin felt damaged and burnt and tight and crumbly at the same time, and it scarcely developed any colour. Everyone in my family, except my grandmother on mother’s side, tan really easily. My brother spends five minutes in the sun and comes out with a golden glow. My father turns brown, and so did my mother. I thought that maybe I’d get the same effect.


my hardhat is too small lulz

This is me tanned. I’m wearing a hardhat whilst visiting a metal production factory (that orange glowy line in the back is processed metal block rolling away to cool) with a purse that’s hardly appropriate for the occasion. I picked this photo, because it was taken about five days after I finished my vigorous tanning sessions. There’s some glow on my arms, and I remember legs showing a bit of peachy colour as well. My neck is as white as it’s always been, despite the tanning bed being vertical, and my face is maybe a tone darker than usual. Maybe. The glow/ blush is due to heat. Metal factories are hot.

About two weeks later all the colour went away.

All that after hundreds of bucks and hours of time (if you count commute and waiting, I wasn’t that adamant to get the ~*~sun-kissed~*~ look).

Afterwards I decided tanning was a waste of money, time, and health, and fully embraced my paleness. I don’t use self-tanners, including gradual ones. I only use bronzer for slightest cheek and nose contouring in extreme moderation.


The range of pale foundations here is bad. Shops deliberately don’t import the lightest shades, because not even supposed professionals use them. The one that trained me certainly didn’t, the three I’ve worked with didn’t either, and out of all the make-up artists that have ever worked on my cousin’s face (she has a similar predicament) only one used a foundation that was a complete match to her skin tone without throwing a fit about ‘healthier look’ and ‘come with your own product then’.

A bit of colour to your cheeks will suit you.

Just blend it in down the neck, it won’t show any lines.

You have blemishes, a tone or two darker will benefit you, the lightest colours don’t cover blemished skin as well.

But this is the lightest the brand has.

You really aren’t that pale, you know.

These are the things I hear every single time I go to shop for foundation. Matter of taste; lie; relative truth; lie; eyeroll – are my respective responses.


In MAC terms, I’m NW10. I can work with NW15, and even NC15, but the light has to be right, and I can’t always walk around with my face being perfectly lighted.

I have NC15 Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation on my mug here.

rosie blondie ok light

In the indirect light, it looks almost like a match, unless you obsessively stare at my chin/neck, which I hope you won’t.

You creep.

brunette contrast

And this is the same against my natural hair colour. Looks OK.

(Where the hell have I put that bottle of brandy in the background…)

Everyone knows what a MAC Studio Fix Liquid Foundation looks like, but allow me to indulge myself. I don’t get to play with MAC stuff often.

Bottle and box:

mac nw 10

mac studio fix liquid nw 10

Fake lashes, Kindles, pencils, chocolate, and cats are in the background. Which is about the extent of my life interests, if you think of it.

Don’t. Let’s go on.


mac arm


mac blended arm

Skipping the face this time around, because a) I’m sure you’ve seen enough of it and b) it’ll be a staple in upcoming make-up posts anyway.

I’m not going to write a detailed review, because there are enough of these already. The rundown:

  • the scent is a little weird. It smells a bit like a new pair of shoes or bike tyres, I dunno. Better than if they’d made it perfumed up the wazoo, plus when I wore it I didn’t really sense it;
  • the coverage is good;
  • the packaging is a little bit evil (damn that porous black matte screw top gets dirty in seconds);
  • I am still unsure is to whether this breaks me out or not;
  • the staying power is OK, but ‘OK’ for my face is ‘good/ great’ for others;
  • the match is good.

Overall I have mixed feelings about this product still. I really want to love it, because it’s a perfect match in colour for me, and you have no idea how hard it is to come across one around these lands. But something’s just not working, and I’m not sure what. Been thinking that perhaps it’s not the foundation that’s at fault, but the powder that I use to set it. We’ll see about that.


#100empties: Three Mascaras and Two Lip Glosses.

empties mascaras

Time to talk trash again. 😛

INGLOT Sleeks Cream Lip Paint in 89

Glossy without the stickiness. A perfect shade of slightly orangey peach nude for me. Good coverage on its own. Not long lasting, but hey, it’s a gloss. Chucked this one because of its age, already repurchased.

Oriflame HyperStretch Mascara

This one has already been discontinued. I didn’t like this mascara when I first tried it, but it grew on me. It’s a perfect every day mascara. One coat gives definition and length, two coats give a bit more oomph, but no drama. I’m on my second tube of this mascara, and really, I’m kinda sad they discontinued it. Can’t vouch for its lash growing properties, but my bottom lashes do appear to be a little longer. Perhaps the thinner the hair, the better it works.

Vivienne Sabo Cabaret Mascara

I read nothing but exceedingly good reviews of this thing. Indeed, when I bought it and used it for the first time, I was like, WOWZA. The second time I was like, yeah, this is good stuff. Fourth time I was, hmm, something’s off… And on the sixth use the formula was so dry, it crumbled off my lashes within minutes. Now, I’m not sure if my tube just came from a weird batch or something, because this product gets steady positive reviews from just about everyone. I was very excited to try it. The pricing is quite merciful, so I might give it another go some time soon.

Oriflame MaxiLash 3D Mascara

Discontinued as well. Had one of those brushes that are combs. That was the only reason I never got along with the product, as the formula was good — not too thick, not too runny, and even with the ruddy comb it didn’t glue my lashes together.However I’m one of those weird people who refuse to use a brush from another mascara with a different tube. I could never really build up volume with the comb or use a right amount of product. The application was messy, and although I really loved the colour (very black) and could see that the formula was good, it had to go. Sadface.

Covergirl Outlast Lip Color, the topcoat/ balm part

One day my father just came over with four Covergirl lipsticks, dropped them on the desk in front of me, and mumbled something about them being for the daughter that never visits him. Fathers, right.

This is the balm that goes over the colour part of the product. I love these Covergirl super-staying lipsticks, and the balm is thick enough that it doesn’t let the colour product dry your lips. This one was a bit funky from the start, as in it would refuse to stay in the bullet properly. Eventually it fell out, so I let it go, as I have three other balms that I believe would be enough for the lip stains.

5 (+2) down; 93 to go.